
After reviewing the Department of the Interior's organizational structure for federal energy and minerals resource management, the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) concluded that the ‘accountability and management of minerals programs are weakened by the current split of responsibilities between the Bureau of Land Management [BLM] and Minerals Management Service [MMS].’ Moreover, ‘to facilitate efficient, comprehensive management of these resources and to clarify lines of authority and accountability,’ GAO recommends that ‘to the extent permitted by law’ Secretary of the Interior James Watt should ‘consolidate the department's onshore minerals management responsibilities in the Minerals Management Service.’Mineral management programs within BLM are fragmented, GAO says, which makes for difficult routine monitoring of program costs and results. ‘As major sources of federal receipts and domestic supplies of fuel and nonfuel minerals, these resource management programs require, but are lacking, clear lines of repsonsibility and organization for efficient operations and program review.’ However, MMS ‘has the potential to provide comprehensive management of these resources,’ GAO concludes.

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