
Whey proteins (WP) today offer an extremely high potential for innovative development of functional and nutritious food products. Acid cold-set gels present an interesting approach of gelation at low temperature upon acidification of preformed whey protein (WP) aggregates. In the present work, we aimed to demonstrate how structure and rheological properties of acid gels can be controlled by combining two types of WP aggregates with different structural and chemical properties. Whey protein microgels (WPM) and soluble aggregates (WPSA) were generated upon heating WP isolate in specific pH conditions and temperature, leading to Z-average hydrodynamic diameters close to 270 nm for WPM and 100 nm for WPSA. Mixtures of WPM and WPSA were prepared at different weight ratios ranging from 100% WPM to 100% WPSA. The total protein concentration was set to 4 or 8%wt. Acidification was performed at 40 °C by addition of 1%wt glucono-δ-lactone (GDL). Gelation was followed using turbidimetry and small deformation rheology as function of pH. Microstructures of the gel were investigated at different length scales using various microscopy techniques (CLSM, SEM, AFM). When the WPM/WPSA ratio decreased, the pH of gelation and the gel strength increased because of the different structure and chemical reactivity of the two types of WP aggregates. The final pH had a strong impact on the structure of the gels. When final pH decreased below pH 4.3, a structure change was suggested by turbidimetry measurements. This resulted in a non self-supporting gel or in a decrease of gel strength. For pH above 4.3, self supporting gel were obtained. The rheological properties of the gel could therefore be modulated depending on the properties of the building blocks used (WPM versus WPSA). Interestingly, the gel microstructures observed for WPM/WPSA mixtures or WPM were comparable to those of acidified skimmed milk gels ranging from coarse structures with clumps of aggregates or to homogeneous fine networks (WPSA only) that have been described for WP gels obtained upon direct heating at various pH.

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