
A 4-element array of coherently driven dipole microwave antennae produces a hot spot in the central region of the implanted volume and cold spots in the peripheral regions of the implant. Conversely, an incoherently driven array of antennae predominantly heats peripheral (along the antennae) regions of the implant. These two modes of feeding the antennae are complementary in a sense that the cold zones obtained with the coherently driven antennae coincide with the hot zones obtained with the incoherently driven antennae and vice versa. The SAR distributions resulting from mixing these modes of feeding (mixed-mode technique) were studied theoretically and experimentally. A theoretical model that allowed calculation of SAR distributions of a 4-element array of microwave antennae fed coherently, incoherently or using a mixed-mode technique was developed in this work. The goal of the theoretical study was to determine the proper mix of the coherent and incoherent modes of feeding the antennae such that the adequately (enclosed within a 50% isoSAR surface) heated volume was maximized. In experimental studies, the antennae were driven in a cyclical manner with a duty cycle equal to the weight of the coherent mode in the mix. The duty cycle was defined as the ratio of the time the antennae were driven coherently to the total duration of the cycle. To facilitate the periodical change from the coherent to incoherent feeding, a special electromechanical switch was developed. This switch allowed a wide range of variation of the duty cycle and cycle period. Theoretical and experimental studies have demonstrated that, if the relative weight of the coherent feeding in the mix-mode technique was 30% (duty cycle=0.3), the adequately heated volume was significantly larger and the SAR distribution was more uniform than those obtained with either the coherent or incoherent mode of feeding.

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