
We determine the mathematical structures which govern the Ω deformation of supersymmetric intersections of M2 and M5 branes. We find that the supersymmetric intersections govern many aspects of the theory of W-algebras, including degenerate modules, the Miura transform and Coulomb gas constructions. We give an algebraic interpretation of the Pandharipande-Thomas box counting in ℂ3.


  • M-theory is described at low energy by an eleven-dimensional supergravity theory endowed with very specific effective action [1]

  • Holography provides strong constraints, as the flat space S-matrix can be extracted from the correlation functions of the world-volume SCFTs for stacks of M2 or M5 branes [6, 7]

  • M5 branes become two-dimensional objects extended along an holomorphic direction, endowed with a world-sheet chiral algebra of local operators which arise as an Ωdeformation of the physical worldvolume theory as in [17]

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M-theory is described at low energy by an eleven-dimensional supergravity theory endowed with very specific effective action [1]. The same structure encodes certain “higher operations” in twisted M-theory, which should be in principle computable by a descent procedure in the physical theory [14] and constrain some protected couplings in the supergravity effective action. Such a translation is not currently available. We will find that the whole structure, including the protected OPEs of stacks of branes, can be reconstructed from the knowledge of the simplest such intersection: a single M2 brane completely transversal to a single M5 brane

The basic setup
Gauge constraints
Various coproducts
Defects from branes
Structure of the paper
The Calogero representations of A and various coproducts
Weyl representations
Calogero representations
The meromorphic coproducts and general M2 brane algebras
The oscillator representation and degenerate fields
The mixed coproduct
The Miura operator
Elementary Miura operator
Pseudo-differential Miura operators
Topological composition and screening charges
The restricted coproduct and the affine Yangian
Fundamental and anti-fundamental endpoints
Pandharipande-Thomas box counting and A modules
PT box-counting rules
Bootstraping anti-fundamental modules
Introducing a supported box at a red location
Adding boxes in the presence of a heavy box
Adding boxes on top of the heavy and light box
Transitions involving unsupported boxes
Adding boxes at multiple red locations on top of each other
Supported boxes at multiple red location
Conclusions and future directions
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