
Mitotic ultrastructure was observed in meristematic cells of carposporophyte generations of the freshwater red algaBatrachospermum ectocarpum. Prior to nuclear division, cell elongation occurs resulting in the nucleus being located at the proximal end of the cell and separated by a large central vacuole from a distal “empty region” which the daughter nucleus eventually occupies. In late prophase, nuclear envelope-attached polar rings are situated adjacent to shallow nuclear invaginations. At prometaphase the nuclear invaginations extend deeply into the nucleus forming continuous cytoplasmic channels containing microtubules. Perinuclear ER and a typical equatorial chromosomal plate are formed by metaphase at which time the nuclear envelope lining the cytoplasmic channels has dispersed. Chromosomal and non-chromosomal microtubules converge at the poles where a single, large gap is seen in the otherwise intact nuclear envelope. Polar rings were not detected in the few mitotic cells observed beyond prometaphase but are thought to be present. During anaphase an interzonal midpiece is formed and the distal-most incipient daughter nucleus moves laterally past the central vacuole into the apical “empty region”. Features of mitosis inBatrachospermum are believed to be intermediate between those exhibited by the lower and higher orders of red algae, this being consistent with the taxonomic placement of the genus in theNemaliales, the least advanced order of the classFlorideophyceae.

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