
Due to the biological uniqueness of the Galápagos Islands, ectoparasites of their avian fauna are relatively well-studied compared with other oceanic islands. However, in this study, quill mites (Acariformes: Prostigmata: Syringophilidae) were investigated for the first time in this archipelago. We investigated 7 species (out of 9) and 133 specimens of Darwin’s Finches of the genus Geospiza. Quill mite parasites were confirmed in two host species, Vampire Ground-Finch G. septentrionalis (Prevalence Index = 5%) and Small Ground-Finch G. fuliginosa (PI = 4%). Both hosts were infested by a new mite species, Aulonastus darwini sp. n., inhabiting the quills of their contour feathers. The host–parasite relationship is discussed.

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