
The purpose of this study was to assess the outcomes of early medical abortion in an inner-city hospital abortion service, using misoprostol as the primary agent. This was a retrospective chart review from July 2001 through December 2002. Women were eligible if they had a viable pregnancy with gestational age 8 weeks or less by transvaginal ultrasound and no medical contraindications. Two doses of 800 μg misoprostol were administered vaginally, 24 h apart. Initial follow-up was scheduled 2–3 days later. Of the 440 women who underwent medical abortion, 373 (90.8%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 88–94%) completed abortion medically, 38 (9.2%) had uterine aspiration and the remainder had incomplete or no follow-up. Of uterine aspirations, 11 were medically indicated, giving a rate of indicated aspiration of 2.7%. Gestational age, age, gravidity, parity, past abortion history, ethnic group and payer did not significantly correlate with overall rate of aspiration or rate of follow-up, but gestational age was correlated with medically indicated aspiration. Among 57 women who reported a time of tissue passage, the mean time from initial misoprostol dose was 8.5 h (95% CI 6.5–13 h).

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