
Language disorders (LD) in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are highly variable and has a severe impact on the level of functioning in autistic children. Early diagnosis of these language disorders is essential for early interventions for children at risk. The electrophysiological measurements are considered valuable tools for determining language disabilities in children with ASD. This study aimed to study and compare ABR and MMN in autistic children with language disorders. This study included a group of typically developing children and a group of children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders and language disorders. Both groups were matching according to age and gender. After confirming bilateral normal peripheral hearing sensitivity, ABR was done and both absolute and interpeak wave latencies were correlated. MMN using frequency oddball paradigms were also obtained and correlated. More abnormalities were reported in ABR test results in the form of delayed absolute latencies and prolonged interpeak intervals. Also, we reported prolonged latencies of MMN. Consequently, both ABR and MMN are complementary test in evaluating autistic children with language disorders. Our results support the hypothesis of remarkable dysfunction in basic auditory sound processing that may impact the linguistic development of autistic children.

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