
This article discusses 2016 film A Hologram for a King, directed by Tom Tykwer in the context of the interplay between mirage and reality. Set in Saudi Arabia, this film revolves around the story of an American consultant, Alan Clay, who attempts to sell a hollographic teleconferencing system to the king. The film is imbued with captivating and symbolic visuals that point to the interplay between mirage and reality. This article will focus on how the cinematography and mise-en-scene of the film help supporting the interplay between mirage and reality, and to show what the film comments on the interplay in regard to our contemporary world. The method used is a film scene analysis by focusing on the important scenes in the film. The findings show that the director cleverly utilizes cinematic techniques to emphasize the main theme of the film and to offer his own viewpoint on the interplay between mirage and reality.


  • Aims of the StudyThe aims of the study is to show how the film visually depicts the interplay and reality through cinematography and mise-en-scene and to find out what the film says about the interplay in our contemporary world

  • Background of the Study This comedy-drama tells a story about a washed-up corporate salesman, Alan Clay (Tom Hanks), who is sent to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to sell a hollographic communication system to the king

  • This article focuses on how the film‟s mise-en-scene support and emphasize the interplay between mirage/hologram and the reality that becomes the main point of this film

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Aims of the Study

The aims of the study is to show how the film visually depicts the interplay and reality through cinematography and mise-en-scene and to find out what the film says about the interplay in our contemporary world. 4. Research Method The main object of this article is a 2016 film A Hologram for a King, directed by Tom Tykwer which will be approached through the means of film studies analysis. Multiple viewings of the film is required, secondly, to locate significant scenes that pertain to the topic of discussion and thirdly, analyze them by means of the cinematic techniques through cinematography and mise-enscene.

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