
Mining Indirect Association Rules for Web RecommendationClassical association rules, here called "direct", reflect relationships existing between items that relatively often co-occur in common transactions. In the web domain, items correspond to pages and transactions to user sessions. The main idea of the new approach presented is to discover indirect associations existing between pages that rarely occur together but there are other, "third" pages, called transitive, with which they appear relatively frequently. Two types of indirect associations rules are described in the paper: partial indirect associations and complete ones. The former respect single transitive pages, while the latter cover all existing transitive pages. The presented IDARM* Algorithm extracts complete indirect association rules with their important measure—confidence—using pre-calculated direct rules. Both direct and indirect rules are joined into one set of complex association rules, which may be used for the recommendation of web pages. Performed experiments revealed the usefulness of indirect rules for the extension of a typical recommendation list. They also deliver new knowledge not available to direct ones. The relation between ranking lists created on the basis of direct association rules as well as hyperlinks existing on web pages is also examined.

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