
A more practical analytical solution for the effects of wing twist on the performance of a finite wing of arbitrary planform has recently been presented. This infinite series solution is based on Prandtl's classical lifting-line theory, and the Fourier coefficients are presented in a form that depends only on wing geometry. Except for the special case of an elliptic planform, this solution shows that, if properly chosen, wing twist can be used to reduce the induced drag for a wing producing finite lift. A relation for the optimum twist distribution on a wing of arbitrary planform was presented. If this optimum twist distribution is used, the new solution predicts that a wing of any planform can be designed for a given lift coefficient to produce induced drag at the same minimum level as an elliptic wing having the same aspect ratio and no twist. In the present paper, results predicted from this new lifting-line solution are compared with results predicted from computational-fluid-dynamics (CFD) solutions. In all cases, the CFD solutions showed that the drag reduction achieved with optimum twist was equal to or greater than that predicted by lifting-line theory.

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