
The present paper assesses petrographic, mineralogical, chemical, and technological features of different zeolitic tuff samples from various western USA districts of the Basin and Range Province containing mainly erionite, mordenite, clinoptilolite/heulandite and phillipsite. The aim of this characterization is to evaluate the pozzolanic activity of these samples according to European normative UNI-EN 196/5 (Fratini test) to program a possible use as addition for blended cements. Petrographic and mineralogical results show that the two phillipsite-bearing tuffs have a higher theoretical Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) than the other samples; technological characterization shows a pozzolanic behavior for all the samples but higher for the tuff samples containing phillipsite, which shows a higher reactivity with CaO. All the samples could be thus advantageously employed for the preparation of blended cements, potentially reducing CO2 emissions by 70–90%.

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