
AbstractDetailed microtextural observations and bulk chemical analysis were undertaken on a garnet‐pyroxenite nodule within retrograde eclogites from the NE Sulu ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic (UHPM) terrane. The results suggest that the protolith was a cumulate from a gabbroic body. The nodule consists primarily of coarse clinopyroxene grains with a very high content of the Ca‐Tschermakite molecule. Microscopic observations and back‐scattered electron images (BSE) demonstrate a complicated intergrowth of clinopyroxene, garnet and ilmenite, which represents the peak metamorphic assemblage. The primary clinopyroxene grains are armoured with a thin garnet corona up to 0.5 mm wide that forms an interconnected network. Within the clinopyroxene grains, four sets of garnet lamellae are distributed along crystallographic planes; locally, a vermicular intergrowth of garnet and diopside is developed. Besides the garnet, parallel arrays of ilmenite blebs are common within the clinopyroxene. Hydrous minerals such as amphibole, zoisite and titanite formed at later stages, and replaced diopside, garnet and ilmenite respectively. The P–T conditions determined for the formation of the garnet lamellae indicate that the garnet pyroxenite experienced UHP metamorphism at the same peak P–T condition as its host eclogite. The very high Ca‐Tschermakite content (31–34 mol.%) of the primary clinopyroxene indicates crystallization at about 9–17 kbar and 1250–1450 °C, and together with the microtextural observations, suggests that the protolith of the garnet pyroxenite was a cumulate from a former gabbroic body, in which case, the host eclogite might represent the gabbroic body.

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