
Spatial Modulation (SM) is a technique that can enhance the capacity of MIMO schemes by exploiting the index of transmit antenna to convey information bits. This paper describes a MIMO transmission scheme that combines SM and spatial multiplexing. In the basic form of SM, only one out of NT available antennas is selected for transmission in any given symbol interval. This paper proposes to use more than one active antenna to transmit several symbols simultaneously. This would increase the spectral efficiency and decreases BER (bit error rate) at the receiver, an MMSE detector is employed to jointly estimate the Transmitted symbols as well as the index of the active transmit antennas. The results show that the detection based on zero forcing is good for noise free channel and is successful in removing ISI, but MMSE is a better choice than ZF in terms of BER characteristics and under Noise performance. In MIMO transmission scheme the uncorrelated fading channel also called statistical model is used for the effect of a propagation environment on a radio signal. Sometimes use of multiple antenna techniques is problem depended but it used because it gives better performance like heavily built urban environment where radio signals are fade and scattered.

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