
Abstract Brightness temperature histograms observed at 50–191 GHz by the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) on operational NOAA satellites are shown to be consistent with predictions made using a mesoscale NWP model [the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5)] and a radiative transfer model [TBSCAT/F(λ)] for a global set of 122 storms coincident with the AMSU observations. Observable discrepancies between the observed and modeled histograms occurred when 1) snow and graupel mixing ratios were increased more than 15% and 25%, respectively, or their altitudes increased more than ∼25 mb; 2) the density, F(λ), of equivalent Mie-scattering ice spheres increased more than 0.03 g cm−3; and 3) the two-stream ice scattering increased more than ∼1%. Using the same MM5/TBSCAT/F(λ) model, neural networks were developed to retrieve the following from AMSU and geostationary microwave satellites: hydrometeor water paths, 15-min average surface-precipitation rates, and cell-top altitudes, all with 15-km resolution. Simulated AMSU rms precipitation-rate retrieval accuracies ranged from 0.4 to 21 mm h−1 when grouped by octaves of MM5 precipitation rate between 0.1 and 64 mm h−1, and were ∼3.8 mm h−1 for the octave 4–8 mm h−1. AMSU and geostationary microwave (GEM) precipitation-rate retrieval accuracies for random 50–50 mixtures of profiles simulated with either the baseline or a modified-physics model were largely insensitive to changes in model physics that would be clearly evident in AMSU observations if real. This insensitivity of retrieval accuracies to model assumptions implies that MM5/TBSCAT/F(λ) simulations offer a useful test bed for evaluating alternative millimeter-wave satellite designs and methods for retrieval and assimilation, to the extent that surface effects are limited.

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