
A millimeter-scale dense liquid droplet of glycine is prepared by focusing aCW near-infrared laserbeamatthe glass/solutioninterfaceofathin film ofitssupersaturatedheavywatersolution.Theformationprocessisinvestigatedby direct observation with CCD and by measuring temporal change of the surface height with a displacement meter. The droplet becomes much larger than a focal spotsize,afewmmwidthand ∼150 μmheight,andobservablewiththenakedeye. Interestingly, the droplet remains for a few tens of seconds even after switching off the laser beam. Whereas the droplet is kept during laser irradiation, the crystal- lizationisimmediatelyattainedbyshiftingthelaserbeamtotheair/dropletsurface. It is considered that the droplet is possibly the early stage of the multistep crystallization process and plays an important role in photon pressure-induced crystallization of glycine. SECTION Nanoparticles and Nanostructures

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