
Perhaps a lot has been written about migration from Africa to the west leaving out the facts about migration within the continent. This paper aims to investigate migrants' movement between Uganda and South Sudan. Currently Uganda is being applauded worldwide for her welcoming refugees' policies. In the recent years refugee influx in the country has been overwhelming challenging resource mobilisation of both Uganda and United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). With much limited capacities the pearl of Africa is seen as a destination and a devoted motherland to millions of refugees from and outside of East Africa. Yet countries and governments with much bigger capacities resorted to being mean with their border and economy. Today people who claim to be defenders of international human rights turned their back against people who needs their support. On a humanitarian ground, the last half decade has been a period of disappointment where we levelled refugees with strange name like Muslim invaders and infiltrators. Uganda hosts more than 1,000,000 South Sudanese to date. The focus of this paper is particularly on S. Sudanese refugees in Uganda, these two countries have a long history of conflict. The fact that LRA operated in both S. Sudan and Uganda, mass movement depended on the security situation in each of these countries. And many people don't know which side they were actually born and they are confused which nationality they are. Therefore, focussing discussion on the lived experiences of refugee's migration and settlement in camps will inform those who have never ever experience the live reality of migrants in both Uganda and South Sudan. Much as people are aware about the general lack of safety in South Sudan, many people insist on returning back to the country. Perhaps, many South Sudanese migrants are also refusing to return to the country. Some people have moved to and from South Sudan and Uganda a number of times (including my family, which is why I am interested in this subject). What pulls people to Uganda or hold them here and what pushes people to go back to South Sudan even if it sounds unsafe? Here I am interested in the life of refugees here in Uganda and their life back in South Sudan. This research examines life experiences of South Sudanese migrants in Uganda, people whose lives have been severely impacted by national and international failure. It seeks to inform the understandings of lived realities of people in conflict affected and fragile situations; will seek to understand the reality of displacement and post displacement recovery; and how this influences the concept of public authority in both Uganda and South Sudan.

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