
To better understand the features of migraine in Meniere's disease (MD). Retrospective review of prospectively obtained surveys in an outpatient clinic of a tertiary medical center. Detailed questionnaires on headaches and dizziness were given to consecutive patients presenting with dizziness. The responses were verified by the clinician with the patient. The data, in addition to the clinical history and audiogram, were used to diagnose patients with migraine headaches and MD using criteria set by the International Headache Society (IHS) and the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, respectively. The prevalence of migraine-like symptoms in those patients with MD, who did not fit the diagnostic criteria for migraine, was evaluated. Thirty-seven patients with definite MD were included. There was a predominance of females (female/male:26/11). Mean age of patients was 52 ± 14 years. Nineteen patients (51%) had migraine headaches. Fifteen patients fulfilled the criteria for definite vestibular migraine. Of those who did not fulfill the IHS migraine criteria, a majority had characteristics such as a family history of migraine, visual motion sensitivity, or lifelong motion sickness that were highly suggestive of a migraine disorder. A majority of patients with MD have migraine headaches as defined by the IHS. Sensitivity to visual motion, light and sound, head motion, smells, weather changes, or medication was present in 95% of all patients with definite MD and 82% of non-IHS migraine MD patients. This may suggest that MD may be an atypical variant of migraine.

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