
Lithostratigraphic nomenclature of early Middle Ordovician strata from western Newfound land is formally revised. The present Table Head Formation is raised to group status and extended to include overlying interbedded terrigenoclastic-rich calcarenites and shales with lime megabreccias. Four new formation names are proposed: Table Point Formation (previously lower Table Head); Table Cove Formation (previously middle Table Head); Black Cove Formation (previously upper Table Head); and Cape Cormorant Formation (previously Caribou Brook formation). The Table Point Formation comprises bioturbated, fossiliferous grey, hackly limestones and minor dolostones; the Table Cove Formation comprises interbedded lime mudstones and grey–black calcareous shales; the Black Cove Formation comprises black graptolitic shales; and the Cape Cormorant Formation comprises interbedded terrigenoclastic and calcareous sandstones, siltstones, and shales, punctuated by massive or thick-bedded lime megabreccias. The newly defined Table Head Group rests conformably or disconformably on dolostones of the Lower Ordovician St. George Group (an upward-migrating diagenetic dolomitization front commonly obscures the contact) and is overlain concordantly by easterly-derived flysch deposits. Upward-varying lithologic characteristics within the Table Head Group result from fragmentation and subsidence of the Cambro-Ordovician carbonate platform and margin during closure of a proto-Atlantic (Iapetus) Ocean.

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