
Although obstructive azoospermia is treatable with microscopic seminal reconstruction, the number of patients who choose to undergo vasoepididymostomy is limited because of recent advances in assisted reproductive technology (ART). We attempted to define the outcome of surgical reconstruction in patients with suspected epididymal obstruction and no previous history of vasectomy. We described 40 eligible end-to-side vasoepididymostomy procedures performed on 24 azoospermic patients who had either bilateral or unilateral epididymal obstruction. The overall patency rate following surgery was 54% (13/24) and for four patients (17%), natural intercourse resulted in pregnancy. Two pregnancies were initiated with intracytoplasmic sperm injections using frozen sperm collected during vasoepididymostomy. In the era of modern ART, microsurgical vasoepididymostomy with cryopreservation of sperm collected during the operation is recommended for patients with epididymal obstructions.

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