
Sinofranchetia Hemsl. (Lardizabalaceae) is a monotypic genus endemic to China. A recent combined analysis of molecular sequence data and morphology suggested that Sinofranchetia should be placed in tribe Sinofranchetieae. Embryology of taxa can be complementary to molecular phylogenetics and of special value at the genus level; however, embryological characters are completely unknown in Sinofranchetia. Here we characterize microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis in the male flowers and female flowers of Sinofranchetia, and provide embryological characters of the genus. In microspore development cytokinesis is simultaneous, the tetrads are tetrahedral and isolateral, and the mature pollens are two-celled and tricolpate (sometimes three-celled in the sterile anther of female flowers). Dicotyledonous-type and basic wall formations are found in Sinofranchetia, the tapetum is glandular. Megasporogenesis is successive, the female gametophyte of the Polygonum type. Anthers in female flowers degenerate at the tetrad stage, and some anthers produce two-celled or three-celled pollen. The newly revealed embryological characters are the basic type of anther wall formation, isolateral microspore tetrads, and both the epidermis and the parietal cell being involved in the formation of the crassinucellate ovules. The embryological peculiarities in Lardizabalaceae are discussed.

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