
For what is believed to be the first time, a single-longitudinal-mode passively Q-switched Nd:YAG microlaser is used to pump a narrow-bandwidth periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) optical parametric generator-optical parametric amplifier (OPG-OPA). Before amplification in the OPA, the output of the OPG stage was spectrally filtered with an air-spaced etalon, resulting in spectroscopically useful radiation (bandwidth, ~0.05 cm(-1) FWHM) that was tunable in 15-cm(-1) segments anywhere in the signal range 6820-6220 cm(-1) and the idler range 2580-3180 cm(-1). The ability to pump an OPG-OPA with compact, high-repetition-rate, intrinsically narrow-bandwidth microlasers is made possible by the high gain of PPLN. The result is a tunable light source that is well suited for use in portable spectroscopic gas sensors.

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