
In this paper, the influence of operating parameters (transmembrane pressure, temperature, the flow rate of retentate) on the cross - flow microfiltration of synthetic fruit juice and periodic backwashing with air was examined. In the experiments, the Kerasep W5 ceramic membrane with a separation limit of 0.2 ?m was used. The results of experiments in which different transmembrane pressures were used showed that stationary fluxes, at stationary conditions, after 60 minutes, have similar values. So, it can be concluded that the value of the driving force is irrelevant at steady state conditions. However, until the steady state conditions are established, a positive effect of the increase in the driving force is opposed to the negative effect of the increased polarization resistance, as a result of the driving force increase. Thus, the optimal transmembrane pressure was determined amounting to 2 bars. The optimum temperature of the process of clearing the fruit juices by microfiltration is reported as 55?C. Higher temperatures are not used due to a degrading effect on the chemical composition of the juice and a long microfiltration process. With an increase in the temperature of retentate from 22?C to 55?C, the permeate flux increased up to 60%. Increasing the flow rate of retentate reduces the thickness of the formed layer on the surface of the membrane. Due to limitations of the experimental setup and the large surface area of the membrane, the specific velocity of the retentate was low, so that the effects of cross-flow filtration were absent. The use of cross-flow filtration is one of the main requirements for increasing permeate flux, but in the present case it was in overall insufficient, so we have applied periodic air backwashing for improving fruit juice flux during membrane clarification. With this technique, the deposited layer on the membrane is lifted and the permeate flux is maintained at high levels preventing establishment of the steady state in the low flux zone. The time spent for the periodic backwashing was low as compared to the benefits of the increase in the collected permeate quantity. In all experiments with periodic backwashing with air, the collected permeate quantity is higher for up to 72.5 % as compared to experiments without backwashing. By increasing the backwashing duration, the flux increase is up to 5 %, which can be significant for microfiltration at industrial scale. Therefore, this technique is certainly recommended for microfiltration in the production of fruit juices.


  • J, u zavisnosti od vremena, τ, pri različitim temperaturama, t, za Kerasep membranu, pri zapreminskom protoku retentata od QV = 1 l/min i razlici pritisaka od Δp = 0,5 bar

  • J, u zavisnosti od vremena, τ, pri periodičnom povratnom ispiranju na svakih 10 minuta u trajanju od 1 i 3 minuta za Kerasep membranu, pri zapreminskom protoku retentata od QV = 1 l/min, temperaturi t = 22°C i razlici pritisaka od Δp = 3 bar

  • This technique is certainly recommended for microfiltration in the production of fruit juices

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Prva faza eksperimenta je obuhvatila pripremu model rastvora voćnih sokova. Za svaku seriju eksperimenata je pripreman nov model rastvor, sa koncentracijom šećera od 10°Brix, 0,3 % limunske kiseline (AD Prehrambena industrija “Aleva”, Novi Kneževac, Srbija) i 0,3 % pektina (oznake WECJ – 3, jabučno citrusni, visokoesterifikovani, brzo želirajući pektin, Pektowin, Poljska). Dobijeni model rastvor voćnih sokova je korišćen u drugoj fazi. Druga faza je obuhvatila ispitivanje kinetike prenosa mase model rastvora voćnih sokova pri mikrofiltraciji. Esperimenti su izvedeni sa Kerasep W5 keramičkom membranom (Tech-Sep, Mirabel, Francuska) veličine pora od 0,2 μm, sa ciljem ispitivanja uticaja radnih parametara (zapreminskog protoka retentata, razlike pritisaka, temperature i periodičnog povratnog ispiranja) na kinetiku mikrofiltracije model rastvora. Membrana je čišćena nakon svakog eksperimenta tj. Mereni su početni standarni fluksevi destilovane vode kroz membranu, koji su takođe bili isti pred svaku seriju eksperimenata, što je ukazivalo da je membrana dobro oprana

Opis eksperimentalne aparature za mikrofiltraciju
Statistička obrada rezultata
Uticaj razlike pritisaka na kinetiku mikrofiltracije kroz Kerasep membranu
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