
BCR CRM 680 is a newly released reference material (RM) with a polyolefinic matrix, doped with various metallic compounds in trace concentrations, to be used for calibration of multi-element trace analytical methods. The micro-heterogeneity of this new CRM was investigated to evaluate the suitability as a RM for trace-level micro analytical techniques. Synchrotron micro-XRF, a trace-level micro analytical method, allows to quantitatively measure the degree of heterogeneity of inorganic trace constituents in solid materials with a homogeneous matrix. The procedure for calculating the minimal sampling mass for homogeneous measurements was employed for BCR CRM 680. By repeating the entire procedure on several samples of the same material, the repeatability of the micro-heterogeneity characterization based on micro-XRF was investigated. Afterwards, the micro-heterogeneity results from the BCR CRM 680 material were used to evaluate the suitability of the micro-heterogeneity procedure by means of a Monte Carlo simulation model. Also the existence of nuggets in the polymer material is looked into.

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