
While it is well known that MNU induces thymic lymphomas in the mouse, it remains unclear which pre-mutagenic lesions are responsible for lymphomagenic transformation. One lesion thought to play a critical role is O6methylguanine[O6mG]which initiates G: C to A:T transition mutations in K-ras and other oncogenes. O6alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT), encoded by the methylguanine methyltransferase gene [MGMT], removes the methyl group thereby preventing the mutation from occurring. When overexpressed in the thymus, MGMT protects mice from MNU-induced thymic lymphomas. To determine whether MGMT overexpression reduced G: C to A: T mutation frequency after MNU, Big Blue lacI and MGMT+/Big Blue mice were treated with MNU and analysed for mutations in the lacI and K-ras genes. The incidence of MNU-induced lymphomas was 84% in Big Blue lacI mice compared to 14% in MGMT+Big Blue lacI mice. Sixty-two per cent of the lymphomas had a GGT to GAT activating mutation in codon 12 of K-ras consistent with O6mG adduct-mediated point mutagenesis. LacI mutation frequency in thymus of MNU treated Big Blue mice was 45-fold above background whereas it was 11-fold above background in MNU treated MGMT+/Big Blue mice. Most lacI mutations were G:C to A:T transitions, implicating O6mG even in the MGMT+mice. No mutations were attributable to chromosomal aberrations or rearrangements. Thus, O6mG adducts account for the carcinogenic effect of MNU and MGMT overexpression is selectively able to reduce O6methylguanine adducts below a carcinogenic threshold. Other adducts are mutagenic but appear to contribute much less to malignant transformation or oncogene activation.

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