
The MHONGOOSE (MeerKAT H I Observations of Nearby Galactic Objects: Observing Southern Emitters) survey maps the distribution and kinematics of the neutral atomic hydrogen (H I) gas in and around 30 nearby star-forming spiral and dwarf galaxies to extremely low H I column densities. The H I column density sensitivity (3σ over 16 km s−1) ranges from ∼5 × 1017 cm−2 at 90″ resolution to ∼4 × 1019 cm−2 at the highest resolution of 7″. The H I mass sensitivity (3σ over 50 km s−1) is ∼5.5 × 105 M⊙ at a distance of 10 Mpc (the median distance of the sample galaxies). The velocity resolution of the data is 1.4 km s−1. One of the main science goals of the survey is the detection of cold accreting gas in the outskirts of the sample galaxies. The sample was selected to cover a range in H I masses from 107 M⊙ to almost 1011 M⊙ in order to optimally sample possible accretion scenarios and environments. The distance to the sample galaxies ranges from 3 to 23 Mpc. In this paper, we present the sample selection, survey design, and observation and reduction procedures. We compared the integrated H I fluxes based on the MeerKAT data with those derived from single-dish measurement and find good agreement, indicating that our MeerKAT observations are recovering all flux. We present H I moment maps of the entire sample based on the first ten percent of the survey data, and find that a comparison of the zeroth- and second-moment values shows a clear separation in the physical properties of the H I between areas with star formation and areas without related to the formation of a cold neutral medium. Finally, we give an overview of the H I-detected companion and satellite galaxies in the 30 fields, five of which have not previously been cataloged. We find a clear relation between the number of companion galaxies and the mass of the main target galaxy.

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