
An objective methodology presented in a companion paper (Liu et al., 1986) for determining the optimum number and disposition of ambient air quality stations in a monitoring network for carbon monoxide is applied to the Las Vegas, Nevada, area. The methodology utilizes an air quality simulation model to produce temporally-varying air quality patterns for each of a limited number of meteorological scenarios representative of the region of interest. These air quality patterns in turn serve as the data base in a two-step procedure for the identification and ranking of the most desirable monitoring locations (step 1) and the removal of redundancies in spatial coverage among the desired locations (step 2.)The performance of the air quality simulation model, a key element in the design methodology, was evaluated in the Las Vegas area in a special field measurement program. In the Las Vegas demonstration for carbon monoxide, 19 stations covering concentration maxima and 3 stations covering background concentrations in rural areas were identified and ranked. A 10-station network, for example, consisting of 7 stations for peak average concentrations and 3 stations for background concentrations, was selected for a desired minimum detection capability of 50% of concentration variations. Networks with fewer stations would be selected if smaller minimum detection capabilities of concentration variations are acceptable, and vice versa. Background stations could, of course, be deleted for networks with the sole purpose of discerning peak concentrations.

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