
The system of higher education undergoes cardinal changes, the essence and orientation of which is determined mainly by the process of the formation of the state and its transition to market economy. Implementation of the state policies aimed at creation and effective functioning of an essentially new model of higher education meeting the demands of democratic society development needs elaboration and scientific justification of an integration model of the graduate from the Master’s educational program. Modern educational system determines the necessity to form a set of professional competences and skills of undergraduates in the process of their training in higher educational institutions as a fundamental factor of developing the future qualified specialists. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and requirements to graduates of magistracy of scientific and pedagogical educational institutions, the integration model of magistracy graduates was developed. Educational trajectory of training undergraduates is built on the principles of integration of convergent, divergent and synergetic approaches. It enhances their fundamental knowledge of methodology of science, practical skills in the field of their specialty, ability for self-realization and self-development. Such integration helps to gain effectively fundamental knowledge, research skills and practical abilities in education process of higher educational institutions.

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