
Published in Petroleum Transactions, AIME, Volume 216, 1959, pages 247–251. Abstract The performance of a gas reservoir subject to water drive is often affected by interference due to gas production or injection in neighboring reservoirs adjacent to a common aquifer. Field data available on production-pressure behavior of several reservoirs indicate that prediction of reservoir performance must include the effects due to mutual interference. A method developed to predict the performance of two or more interfering gas reservoirs, subject to specified production-injection schedules, is presented. The method involves the combination of the theory of unsteady-state water movement with appropriate material balance considerations. The procedure which extends M. Mortada's treatment for interfering oil reservoirs makes use of his dimensionless pressure drop quantities presented graphically in the literature. In order to evaluate the predictive accuracy and practical field applicability of the theory, the method has been applied to analyze the performance of two actual gas reservoirs in mutual interference. The calculations were performed on an IBM 704 computer. The predicted performances were also calculated with the interference effects ignored. The results show that considerably better agreement between calculated and observed behavior is obtained when the interference effects are included. Introduction Fluid communication between any number of oil or gas reservoirs adjacent to a common aquifer results in mutual interference effects on their production-pressure behavior. The theory, application and interpretation of pressure build-up behavior of oil wells, drawdown tests on oil or gas-producing formations and behavior of several storage reservoirs indicate ample experimental evidence of mutual interference. A method developed to compute the behavior of interfering oil reservoirs was published several years ago by Mortada.

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