
Abstract High‐pressure‐temperature metapelites that occur in close proximity to eclogitized mafic rocks in the southern part of the Gagnon terrane (Parautochthonous Belt, eastern Grenville Province) were investigated in order to constrain depths of burial and P‐T paths. Mineral assemblages and partial melting relationships in these metapelites are consistent with peak temperatures in the range between 700 and 800° C. However, growth zoning is apparently well preserved in garnets and only narrow rims (width = 100–500 μm) are obviously affected by diffusional retrograde resetting. Despite uncertainties regarding mineral assemblages and compositions of matrix minerals at early stages of garnet growth, it can be shown that the observed growth zoning profiles of garnets imply increase of both pressure and temperature up to a common maximum at pressures between 1300 and 1600 MPa, and that thermal relaxation did not occur during the initial stages of unloading. On the other hand, calculated retrograde P‐T conditions are consistent with steep decompression paths. The inferred ‘hair‐pin’‐shaped P‐T path is consistent with independent evidence of rapid, tectonically driven exhumation, resulting in the preservation of growth zoning in garnets from such a high‐temperature regime.

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