
An extract of porcine brain acetone powder incubated with thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; pGlu-His-ProNH2) produces acid TRH (pGlu-His-Pro), histidine, and prolineamide. Fractionation of the brain extract by DEAE-cellulose chromatography produces three protein fractions which metabolize TRH. The activity of these fractions was characterized using TRH with a 3H-label on the histidine or proline as well as [His-3H]His-ProNH2. Fraction I contains pyroglutamate aminopeptidase and Fraction II contains TRH deamidase. Fraction III was found to contain a previously unrecognized enzyme which cleaves His-ProNH2 to histidine and proline. The histidylprolineamide imidopeptidase has been characterized. A competition study using a variety of compounds containing histidine or proline suggests that the best substrates for the imidopeptidase contain a free alpha-amino group on histidine and a blocked carboxyl group on proline, as is found in His-ProNH2. A survey of a variety of polypeptide hormones indicates that many of them inhibit the imidopeptidase activity. A kinetic study of the inhibition of the enzyme by adrenocorticotropic hormone (1-24) shows that the inhibition by polypeptide hormones is noncompetitive. We hypothesize that pituitary hormones may stimulate the production of (cyclo)-His-Pro by inhibiting alternate routes of TRH metabolism.

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