
Various physiologic effects of soy food consumption have been attributed to the estrogenic actions of isoflavones. The order of estrogen receptor binding potency of soy-derived isoflavone aglycones is equol > genistein > daidzein, and their conjugates are less potent. Because the metabolic profile may be an important determinant of bioactivity after soy intake, we studied the serum and urine isoflavone concentrations in 3 animal models and compared them with isoflavone profiles in women. Female Sprague-Dawley rats, Hampshire/Duroc Cross pigs, cynomolgus monkeys, and women were fed diets containing soy protein isolate. Isoflavones and their metabolites were measured by LC-MS or electrochemical detection. Equol represented approximately 77 and 52% (molar ratio) of summed serum isoflavones (isoflavones plus metabolites) in rats and cynomolgus monkeys, respectively. Equol was undetectable in pig serum and human plasma, but daidzein and genistein contributed >88% of summed circulating isoflavones. Monkey and rat urine contained high levels of aglycones (>85% and >32%, respectively), whereas pigs and women excreted isoflavone mainly in the form of glucuronides (>80%), with <10% as aglycones. Isoflavones in human plasma were predominantly glucuronides (75%) with 24% as sulfates and <1% as aglycones; in monkey serum, however, 64% of isoflavones were sulfates, 30% glucuronides, and 6% aglycones. Equol was also a major serum metabolite of 6-mo-old rhesus monkeys (80% of summed isoflavones). Thus, there were significant interspecies differences in isoflavone metabolism, and the overall metabolic profile of pigs was closer to that of women than that of rats or monkeys.

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