
Metabolic pathway analysis is a key method to study a metabolism in its steady state, and the concept of elementary fluxes (EFs) plays a major role in the analysis of a network in terms of non-decomposable pathways. The supports of the EFs contain in particular those of the elementary flux modes (EFMs), which are the support-minimal pathways, and EFs coincide with EFMs when the only flux constraints are given by the irreversibility of certain reactions. Practical use of both EFMs and EFs has been hampered by the combinatorial explosion of their number in large, genome-scale systems. The EFs give the possible pathways in a steady state but the real pathways are limited by biological constraints, such as thermodynamic or, more generally, kinetic constraints and regulatory constraints from the genetic network. We provide results on the mathematical structure and geometrical characterization of the solution space in the presence of such biological constraints (which is no longer a convex polyhedral cone or a convex polyhedron) and revisit the concept of EFMs and EFs in this framework. We show that most of the results depend only on very general properties of compatibility of constraints with vector signs: either sign-invariance, satisfied by regulatory constraints, or sign-monotonicity (a stronger property), satisfied by thermodynamic and kinetic constraints. We show in particular that the solution space for sign-monotone constraints is a union of particular faces of the original polyhedral cone or polyhedron and that EFs still coincide with EFMs and are just those of the original EFs that satisfy the constraint, and we show how to integrate their computation efficiently in the double description method, the most widely used method in the tools dedicated to EFs computation. We show that, for sign-invariant constraints, the situation is more complex: the solution space is a disjoint union of particular semi-open faces (i.e., without some of their own faces of lesser dimension) of the original polyhedral cone or polyhedron and, if EFs are still those of the original EFs that satisfy the constraint, their computation cannot be incrementally integrated into the double description method, and the result is not true for EFMs, that are in general strictly more numerous than those of the original EFMs that satisfy the constraint.


  • With the objective of both enumerating only biologically feasible elementary flux modes (EFMs) or EFVs and, as there are considerably fewer of them, improving the scalability of this computation, we took into consideration in this paper on one side thermodynamic and, more generally, kinetic constraints and on the other side regulatory constraints, and we tackled the problem of revisiting in this new extended framework the concept of EFMs and EFVs and, more largely, of characterizing the geometry of the solution space

  • This is how we demonstrated, for constraints which are sign-monotone, which is the case of thermodynamic constraints and of kinetic constraints in the absence of bounds on enzyme concentrations, that the solution space is a union of convex polyhedral cones, which are certain faces of the flux topes of FC, and that the EFMs, which still coincide with the EFVs, are those of FC that satisfy the constraint

  • For the specific case of thermodynamic constraints or of kinetic constraints in the absence of bounds on enzyme concentrations, we demonstrated that their solution spaces are identical and, when there are no bounds on metabolite concentrations, made up of those maximal faces of the flux topes of FC which are entirely contained in a fixed open vector half-space and that the EFMs are those of FC belonging to this half-space and computable by adding one single homogeneous linear inequality to the initial ones

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Metabolic Networks

In order to ensure this paper is self-contained and has no prerequisite to be read, we summarize in this introduction the state-of-the-art related to the subject and fix the notations adopted throughout the paper. Each metabolite is assigned a coefficient in the reaction, its stoichiometric coefficient (counted negatively for substrates and positively for products). If m is the number of internal metabolites (r > m), the network is given by its stoichiometric matrix S ∈ Rm×r, where coefficient Sji is the stoichiometric coefficient of internal metabolite j in reaction i (positive if j is a product of reaction i and negative if it is a substrate). A state of the network at a given time t is given by the net rates (or fluxes) in each of its reactions at t, i.e., by a flux vector (or rate vector, or flux distribution) v(t) ∈ Rr. Denoting by M(t) ∈ R∗+m the vector of the concentrations of internal metabolites at t, the time evolution of the network is given by dM(t) dt

Steady-State Behavior and Flux Subspace
Extreme Vectors and Generating Sets
Elementary Vectors and Conformal Generating Sets
Elementary Modes
Inhomogeneous Linear Constraints and Polyhedra
Extreme Points and Vectors and Generating Sets
Elementary Points and Vectors and Conformal Generating Sets
Complexity Results
Metabolic Pathways in the Presence of Biological Constraints
Kinetic Constraints
Regulatory Constraints
Characterizing the Solution Space
Application to Thermodynamics
Application to Kinetics
Application to Regulatory Constraints
B R1 A R2 C
Case of Several Types of Constraints
General Case of Sign-Compatible Constraints
variant Constraints
Sign-Monotone Constraints
Consequences on the Computation of Elementary Fluxes
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