
Norman, A., Cochran, S. T. and Sayre, J. W. Meta-analysis of Increases in Micronuclei in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes after Angiography or Excretory Urography. Radiat. Res. 155, 740-743 (2001). Meta-analysis of 10 studies confirms a significant increase in the frequency of micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes after angiography or excretory urography; the weighted average increase is 4.2 (95% confidence interval 2.8-5.6) per 1000 binucleate lymphocytes, about the same increase in micronuclei as that produced in vitro by a diagnostic X-ray dose of 4 cGy. The analysis failed to reveal a significant effect of the specific contrast medium used in the X-ray examinations on the increased frequency of micronuclei. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the effect of the contrast media is limited to the enhancement, by the photoelectric effect, of the X-ray dose absorbed by the lymphocytes irradiated while suspended in the contrast medium. Therefore, an estimate of increased cancer risk based on elevated frequencies of micronuclei or chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes may be greatly exaggerated whenever the radiation damage is largely confined to the cells circulating in the blood, as it is in people who have recently had X-ray examinations that use intravenous injections of contrast medium. Such examinations include angiography, excretory urography and CT scans, which are received annually by millions of people.

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