
The Prakasam Igneous Province within the Nellore Schist Belt (NSB) preserves important imprints of mafic magmatism along the south-eastern margin of the Indian plate. Here we report petrology, geochemistry and zircon U-Pb age data from three gabbro plutons namely Purimetla, Kanigiri and P C Palle which intruded into the high grade rocks of the region. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb data on zircons from the three plutons reveal prominent late Mesoproterozoic ages of 1334±15Ma, 1338±27Ma and 1251.2±9.4Ma. The cumulative 207Pb/206Pb mean age of 1315±11Ma is interpreted to represent the timing of mafic magmatism in the Prakasam Igneous Province. These rocks show adcumulus to mesocumulus and poikilitic textures indicating fractional crystallization of plagioclase and clinopyroxenes in the Purimetla pluton whereas the Kanigiri and P C Palle intrusions possess hornblende and biotite suggesting the role of water during partial melting. The rocks show LREE enrichment (∑LREE/∑HREE=2.2–15.0), marked Eu-anomalies (Eu/Eu∗=0.8–2.2) and fractionated patterns (LaN/YbN=3–79). Primitive mantle normalised trace element spider diagrams indicate subduction modified arc signatures with LILE enrichment and depletion of Nb, Ti and Zr relative to Th and La. Tectonic discrimination diagrams show arc magmatic affinities for the three gabbro plutons consistent with subduction zone setting. We propose a tectonic model involving intra oceanic island arc accretion during late Mesoproterozoic along the eastern margin of the Indian continent.

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