
The new borane complex RuH2(η2:η2-H2BMes)(PCy3)2 (2) can be isolated in good yield by reaction of H2BMes with RuH2(η2-H2)2(PCy3)2 (1) or alternatively, by reacting the chloro dihydrogen complex RuHCl(η2-H2)(PCy3)2 (3) with lithium mesitylborohydride. 2 has been fully characterized by NMR and X-ray diffraction crystallography. A DFT/B3PW91 analysis shows that in 2, the H2BMes group is coordinated to the {RuH2(PCy3)2} fragment through two geminal σ-B−H bonds. This coordination involves σ-donation to the ruthenium and π back-bonding from the ruthenium to the vacant p orbital of the boron. These two geminal σ-B−H bonds are responsible for the short Ru−B distance (1.938 (4) Å by X-ray, 1.957 Å by DFT).

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