Amac : Bu calismada; Mersin Ilinde gorev yapan hekimlerin meslek orgutu olan tabip odasi ile iliskilerinin boyutu ve odadan beklentilerinin degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Yontem : Kesitsel tipteki bu calismada Mersin Ilinde gorev yapan toplam 1875 hekim evren olarak kabul edildi, ornek olarak 550 hekimin calismaya alinmasi hedeflendi. Calismaya alinacak hekimler; gorev yeri, kurum, unvan ve cinsiyet oranina gore agirliklandirilarak tabakali sistematik ornekleme yontemi ile belirlendi. Veriler Kasim-Aralik 2009 tarihlerinde anket formu kullanilarak toplandi. Verilerin ozetlenmesinde tanimlayici istatistikler ve degiskenlerin karsilastirilmasinda Ki-kare testi kullanildi. Bulgular : Hekimlerin %69.1’i erkek, %82.5’i evli, %80.9’u kamu saglik kurumlarinda calisiyor, %37.6’si pratisyen hekim olarak gorev yapiyordu. Hekimlerin ortalama gorev suresi 17.4±9.6 (1–52) yildi. Hekimlerin %77.1’i tabip odasina uye, %31.5’i son bir yilda tabip odasi calismalarina katilmis ve %26.7’si bugunden sonraki surecte tabip odasi calismalarinda gorev almak istiyordu. Erkek, evli, ozel sektorde calisan, uzman olan, gorev suresi 30 yildan fazla olan ve calisma kosullarinin iyilestirilmesini bekleyen hekimlerin diger gruplara gore tabip odasina daha fazla uye olduklari saptandi. Son bir yilda arastirma gorevlileri tabip odasi calismalarina daha az katilmisti. Hekimlerin tabip odasindan ilk siradaki beklentisi; calisma kosullarinin iyilestirilmesiydi. Sonuc : Mersin’de dort hekimden birisinin tabip odasina uye olmamasi, ucte ikisinin oda calismalarina katilmamasi ve bugunden sonra da katilmayi dusunmemesi, hekimlerin orgutlu yasamin gereklerini yeterince yerine getirmedigini ve meslek orgutlerine cok fazla sahip cikmadigini dusundurmektedir. Tabip odalari uyelerinin odaya yaklasimi ne olursa olsun, kurulus amaclari ve uyelerinin beklentileri cercevesinde daha fazla caba gostermelidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Calisma yasami, hekim, tabip odasi The involvement of physicians in their professional organization and their expectations, Mersin Objective : This study aims to assess the level of involvement of physicians in the Medical Chamber and their expectations from the Chamber in Mersin. Method : In this cross-sectional study, target population comprises a total of 1875 physicians working in Mersin. The sample consisted of 550 physicians. The participants were determined using stratified systematic sampling on the basis of place of duty, institution, and gender. The data were collected during November and December 2009, using a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and the Chi-Square test were used in analysis. Results : Of all participants, 69.1% were male, 82.5% were married. 80.9% were working in public institutions, and 37.6% were working as general practitioner. The mean duration of working years of the physicians was 17.4±9.6 (1-52). 77.1% of the physicians were member of the Mersin Medical Chamber, 31.5% had participated in the activities of the Chamber over the last year and 26.7% wanted to take part in the activities of the Chamber in near future. It was found that physicians who are male, married, had a specialisation, were working in private sector, had a term of office over 30 years, and were demanding an improvement in working conditions had a higher rate of membership to the Chamber, compared to others. Over the last year, research assistants participated the activities of the Chamber less than the other physicians. The physicians’ primary expectation from their Chamber was an improvement in working conditions. Conclusion : The fact that one in every four physicians was not a member of the Medical Chamber, and that two-thirds of the members had not participated in the activities and were not planning to participate in the future suggest that physicians do not support their professional organization and do not perform what is expected of them as a member. Medical Chambers should strive for more in light of their missions and the expectations of their members regardless of the attitudes of their members towards the organization. Key Words: Work life, physician, medical chamber
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