
Cell-free mercury volatilization activity (mercuric reductase) was obtained from a mercury-volatilizing Thiobacillus ferrooxidans strain, and the properties of intact-cell and cell-free activities were compared with those determined by plasmid R100 in Escherichia coli. Intact cells of T. ferrooxidans volatilized mercury at pH 2.5, whereas cells of E. coli did not. Cell-free enzyme preparations from both bacteria functioned best at or above neutral pH and not at all at pH 2.5. The T. ferrooxidans mercuric reductase was a soluble enzyme that was dependent upon added NAD(P)H. The enzyme activity was stable at 80 degrees C, required an added thiol compound, and was stimulated by EDTA. Antisera against purified mercuric reductases from transposon Tn501 and plasmid R831 (which inactivated mercuric reductases from a wide range of enteric and pseudomonad strains) did not inactivate the enzyme from T. ferrooxidans.

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