
Introduction Population aging and changes in the epidemiological pattern and the social and family structure, observed in Portugal, with a particular focus at the local level, determine new needs for which it is urgent to organize appropriate and active responses. The Community Care Unit (UCC Chamusca/Golega) and the Municipality of Chamusca decided to carry out this project in order to make the diagnosis of the situation in social and health of the elderly population. Objectives Assess the use/need of health and social services by the elderly, related with their functional status in social resources, economic resources, mental health, physical health and activities of daily living. Aim Assess the functional status in mental health to implement an individual monitoring plan. Methods Quantitative methodology using the Questionario de Avaliacao Funcional Multidimensional para Idosos/Older Americans Resources and Services (QAFMI/OARS). The sample consisted of individuals aged≥65, randomly selected and representative of Chamusca's elder residents ( n =2768; n =1868). Results Results showed that in mental health, there isn't a significant difference classification between genders in the different aged groups. There is only statistically significant difference between age groups, with the group of 85 and over who have worse results. Conclusions The work developed with QAFMI/OARS lead us to consider this instrument very useful to define functional status of the elders in specific evaluation areas as mental health, becoming right to the planning of older care services.

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