
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are sensing the environmental conditions and give input to electronic control systems. MEMS are miniature systems which usually combine tiny mechanical structures with electronic circuits. Typical MEMS structures have a size of a few micrometers. MEMS sensors make system reactions to human needs more intelligent, precise, and at much faster reaction rates than humanly possible. Today MEMS sensors can be found in nearly every motor vehicle, smart phone or laptop. Due to continuous product innovations, the sensors find their way into more and more applications in automotive and consumer electronics. According to IHS iSuppli an amount of 4.3 billion micromechanical sensors were sold in 2011 with an impressive increase to 9.8 billion sensors in 2015 - a growth rate of 23% per year! These growth rates are only possible with continuous efforts to improve the performance and to decrease the size, power consumption and costs of the sensors.

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