
Concurrent validity of factor scores from the Memory Functioning Questionnaire (MFQ; Gilewski, Zelinski, & Schaie, in press) with memory performance was investigated in 2 studies. Study 1 involved 198 adults aged 55-85; Study 2, 89 adults aged 50-87. After effects of depression, education, and health were partialed out, MFQ scores predicted performance on laboratory memory tests in Study 1 and performance on clinical memory tests and diaries of memory failures over 2 weeks in Study 2. Additional variance in predicting performance and failures recorded in diaries is accounted for by MFQ scores after partialing out subjects' responses to a yes-no question about whether they have memory problems. Results suggest that the MFQ has moderate concurrent validity with memory measures and is preferable to responses to a single question about memory self-perception in assessing memory complaints in normal adults.

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