
The process of sucrose transport was investigated in sealed putative tonoplast vesicles isolated from sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproot. If the vesicles were allowed to develop a steady state pH gradient by the associated transport ATPase and 10 millimolar sucrose was added, a transient flux of protons out of the vesicles was observed. The presence of an ATPase produced pH gradient allowed [(14)C]sucrose transport into the vesicles to occur at a rate 10-fold higher than the rate observed in the absence of an imposed pH gradient. Labeled sucrose accumulated into the sealed vesicles could be released back to the external medium if the pH gradient was dissipated with carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP). When the kinetics of ATP dependent [(14)C]sucrose uptake were examined, the kinetic profile followed the simple Michaelis-Menten relationship and a Michaelis constant of 12.1 millimolar was found. When a transient, inwardly directed sucrose gradient was imposed on the vesicles in the absence of charge compensating ions, a transient interior negative membrane potential was observed. This membrane potential could be prevented by the addition of CCCP prior to sucrose or dissipated by the addition of CCCP after sucrose was added. These results suggest that an electrogenic H(+)/sucrose antiport may be operating on the vesicle membrane.

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