
Membranes from ethanol-fed rats are resistant to the in vitro effects of ethanol on membrane structure and function. We have proposed that the resistance arises from adaptive changes in membrane composition which lower the solubility (partition coefficient) of ethanol in these membranes. The partition of ethanol (and other alcohols and anesthetics) into red blood cells protects the cells from hypotonic hemolysis. Here, we show that the protection by alcohols and anesthetics of red blood cells from ethanol-fed rats is greatly attenuated. This finding indicates that the membrane solubility of these agents is lowered in chronic alcoholism and thus explains the resistance to the acute effects of ethanol. The protection from hemolysis decreases over 2 weeks of ethanol-feeding and returns to normal values within 1 day after ethanol withdrawal. These changes are associated with a parallel increase in total and free serum cholesterol during ethanol feeding and a return to normal values within a day after withdrawal. However, we find only a slight increase in the cholesterol/ phospholipid ratio of the red blood cell membranes during the development of ethanol tolerance. In rats fed a cholesterol and saturated fat diet, the increase in serum cholesterol is also associated with an attenuation of the protection from hypotonic hemolysis.

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