
AbstractIn this paper we present a detailed textural and geochemical study of two equigranular textured amphibole‐bearing spinel lherzolite xenoliths from Szigliget, Bakony–Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (BBHVF, western Hungary) containing abundant primary silicate melt inclusions (SMIs) in clinopyroxene rims and secondary SMIs in orthopyroxene (and rarely spinel) along healed fractures. The SMIs are dominantly composed of silicate glass and CO2‐rich bubbles. Clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene are zoned in both studied xenoliths, especially with respect to Fe, Mg, Na, and Al contents. Cores of clinopyroxenes in both xenoliths show trace element distribution close to primitive mantle. Rims of clinopyroxenes are enriched in Th, U, light rare earth elements (LREEs) and medium REEs (MREEs). Amphiboles in the Szg08 xenolith exhibit elevated Rb, Ba, Nb, Ta, LREE, and MREE contents. The composition of silicate glass in the SMIs covers a wide range from the basaltic trachyandesite and andesite to phonolitic compositions. The glasses are particularly rich in P2O5. Both primary and secondary SMIs are strongly enriched in incompatible trace elements (mostly U, Th, La, Zr) and display a slight negative Hf anomaly. The development of zoned pyroxenes, as well as the entrapment of primary SMIs in the clinopyroxene rims, happened after partial melting and subsequent crystallization of clinopyroxenes, most probably due to an interaction between hot volatile‐bearing evolved melt and mantle wall‐rocks. This silicate melt filled microfractures in orthopyroxenes (and rarely spinels) resulting in secondary SMIs.

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