
To address the lack of statistical power and interpretability of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), gene-level analyses combine the p-values of individual single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) into gene statistics. However, using all SNPs mapped to a gene, including those with low association scores, can mask the association signal of a gene. We therefore propose a new two-step strategy, consisting in first selecting the SNPs most associated with the phenotype within a given gene, before testing their joint effect on the phenotype. The recently proposed kernelPSI framework for kernel-based post-selection inference makes it possible to model non-linear relationships between features, as well as to obtain valid p-values that account for the selection step. In this paper, we show how we adapted kernelPSI to the setting of quantitative GWAS, using kernels to model epistatic interactions between neighboring SNPs, and post-selection inference to determine the joint effect of selected blocks of SNPs on a phenotype. We illustrate this tool on the study of two continuous phenotypes from the UKBiobank. We show that kernelPSI can be successfully used to study GWAS data and detect genes associated with a phenotype through the signal carried by the most strongly associated regions of these genes. In particular, we show that kernelPSI enjoys more statistical power than other gene-based GWAS tools, such as SKAT or MAGMA. kernelPSI is an effective tool to combine SNP-based and gene-based analyses of GWAS data, and can be used successfully to improve both statistical performance and interpretability of GWAS.

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