
In this paper, we propose a methodology for training a new model of artificial neural network called the generalized radial basis function (GRBF) neural network. This model is based on generalized Gaussian distribution, which parametrizes the Gaussian distribution by adding a new parameter τ . The generalized radial basis function allows different radial basis functions to be represented by updating the new parameter τ . For example, when GRBF takes a value of τ = 2 , it represents the standard Gaussian radial basis function. The model parameters are optimized through a modified version of the extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm. In the methodology proposed (MELM-GRBF), the centers of each GRBF were taken randomly from the patterns of the training set and the radius and τ values were determined analytically, taking into account that the model must fulfil two constraints: locality and coverage. An thorough experimental study is presented to test its overall performance. Fifteen datasets were considered, including binary and multi-class problems, all of them taken from the UCI repository. The MELM-GRBF was compared to ELM with sigmoidal, hard-limit, triangular basis and radial basis functions in the hidden layer and to the ELM-RBF methodology proposed by Huang et al. (2004) [1]. The MELM-GRBF obtained better results in accuracy than the corresponding sigmoidal, hard-limit, triangular basis and radial basis functions for almost all datasets, producing the highest mean accuracy rank when compared with these other basis functions for all datasets.

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