
Clinical nurse specialist roles have existed in the USA for many years, yet here in the UK such roles are a relatively new concept for nurses and the profession of nursing. In the UK clinical nurse specialists have worked primarily in outpatient settings, however, the role is rapidly developing in primary care and specialized care settings. One specific dimension of the clinical nurse specialist role in critical care relates to the needs of the family when brain-stem death is suspected. This concept of death--brain death--is very difficult for most people to comprehend as it challenges all our previous beliefs concerning death and dying. During this traumatic time nurses and other health care professionals face the daunting task of supporting the family through this enforced emotional crisis as they attempt to come to terms with the diagnosis of clinical brain death. To enable families to understand brain death and the implications and outcomes of such a diagnosis it is vital they receive information, support and guidance from experienced health care personnel. The following account is a discussion of the key role of the specialist nurse in relation to meeting the needs of the families of brain-stem dead patients. This review seeks to highlight the clear dimensions of the clinical nurse specialist role within a critical care setting. It relates specifically to meeting the needs of families who have experienced clinical brain death in an immediate family member. It suggests that the infinite value of the role must be acknowledged and utilized to ensure the provision of holistic care for patients and families at this traumatic time.

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