
Using an on-site pharmacy or medication to bedside (MTB) program allows patients to obtain prescriptions and education before discharge, potentially improving adherence and preventing harm. The aim of this project was to improve discharge processes for pediatric acute care patients by increasing the proportion of oral antibiotics (1) prescribed to the on-site pharmacy from 15% to 70% and (2) delivered to bedside from 0% to 50%. The Model for Improvement was used to iteratively implement interventions: increased on-site pharmacy capabilities, MTB program creation and streamlined enrollment, and secure electronic health record (EHR) messaging between clinicians and pharmacy staff regarding prescriptions. Process measures were proportion of antibiotics prescribed to the on-site pharmacy and delivered to bedside. Outcomes included surveys of family satisfaction with discharge medication education and discharge medication-related safety reports. Discharge before noon (DBN) was the balancing measure. Aims were analyzed using statistical process control charts and chi-square tests. A total of 1,908 antibiotics were prescribed over 28-months. On-site pharmacy prescriptions increased from 15% to 46% after pharmacy capabilities increased, then to 86% after MTB program launch, optimized workflow, and initiation of EHR messaging. Bedside medication delivery increased from 0% to 58% with these interventions. Family satisfaction with discharge medication education and frequency of discharge medication-related safety reports was not significantly different pre- and postintervention. DBN varied throughout the study. Through clinician and pharmacy staff partnership, this initiative increased on-site pharmacy use and discharge antibiotics delivered to bedside. Key interventions included increased pharmacy capabilities, MTB program with streamlined workflow, and EHR-based communication.

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