
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of an experimental programme based on the integration of movement and music on the development of fundamental movement skills and rhythmic abilities. Sixtytwo children aged from 5 to 6 years participated in the study. Results showed that children who were included in the music and movement programme as well as those included in the movement-only programme improved more in fundamental movement skills and rhythmic abilities than children from the control group. Considering the principle of horizontal integration of different curricular areas and different viewpoints on the child’s development and learning, the experimental music and movement programme proved to be more effective.


  • Interdisciplinary teaching connects the common characteristics of various learning areas into a meaningful whole

  • Existing studies of the effects of linking movement and musical content are limited to the examination of influences of such programmes on either motor skills or the development of rhythmic abilities separately

  • We undertook a study into how the linking of motor and music activities in the pre-school period influences the acquisition of fundamental movement skills (FMS) and the development of rhythmic abilities (RA)

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Ključne besede: gibalne spretnosti, ritmični posluh, načelo horizontalne povezanosti, medpredmetno povezovanje gibanja in glasbe, eksperimentalni program. Izvleček/Abstract Namen raziskave je bil preučiti učinke eksperimentalnega programa, ki temelji na povezovanju področij gibanja in glasbe, na usvajanje temeljnih gibalnih spretnosti in na razvoj ritmičnega posluha. Ob upoštevanju načela horizontalne povezanosti različnih področij dejavnosti in različnih vidikov otrokovega razvoja in učenja se je eksperimentalni gibalnoglasbeni program pokazal kot učinkovitejši. Integration of Movement and Music in Early Childhood The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of an experimental programme based on the integration of movement and music on the development of fundamental movement skills and rhythmic abilities. Results showed that children who were included in the music and movement programme as well as those included in the movement-only programme improved more in fundamental movement skills and rhythmic abilities than children from the control group.

Teoretična izhodišča
Temeljne gibalne spretnosti
Povezovanje področij gibanja in glasbe
Raziskovalna vprašanja
Raziskovalni vzorec
Postopki zbiranja podatkov
Ritmični posluh
Postopki obdelave podatkov
Eksperimentalni program
Rezultati in interpretacija
Udarec žoge z loparjem
Skladnost gibanja v ritmu glasbe
ZS Podaja žoge z obema rokama
Skladnost gibanja v ritmu glasbe KS
Podaja žoge z obema rokama
Podaja žoge z obema GP
JP Skladnost gibanja vGP ritmu glasbe
Full Text
Paper version not known

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