
Aim. To systematize modern literature data on medical imaging of textile iatrogenic foreign bodies.Materials and methods. We analyzed the articles about the identification of textile iatrogenic foreign bodies, published until 2019.Discussion. Foreign body detection should be included in the differential diagnostic algorithm for patients who have a history of surgical interventions and unexplained symptoms. In all cases of suspected iatrogenic foreign body, it is desirable to use at least two available techiques of medical imaging: ultrasound, X-ray, MDCT, MRI.Conclusions. Left foreign body entails medical and legal consequences that adversely affect both the reputation of the surgeon and the reputation of the medical institution, as they are considered a classic example of iatrogenic damage and indicate a violation of the quality standards of medical care. The article presents data on the features of medical imaging of textile iatrogenic foreign bodies left in the patient’s body as a result of planned and emergency surgical interventions, and determining the optimal tactics for examination and treatment of this category of patients.

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